Mind-Management on DEMAND Features...

  • 24/7 Accessibility (Students will have 24/7 access through their school portal).

  • Drip-Feature Functionality (Milestones will become accessible on a tri-weekly basis).

  • Customizable Content (Assignments will be aligned to support the school's strategic SE wellness plans).

  • Self-Paced Learning (Students will have the freedom to engage at their own pace).

  • Incentivized Participation (Students will receive incentives from the school and community-based partners).

Our Difference

We take Proactive, Preventive, & Precautionary Mentoring Measures.

  • PROACTIVE - We mentor in anticipation of future SE challenges.

  • PREVENTIVE - We mentor to reduce the number of negative SE incidents.

  • PRECAUTIONARY - We mentor to evoke positive thinking that leads to positive SE outcomes.

Our 5-Tier High School Milestone Guide

The content for the 5-Tier Guide will be age/developmentally -appropriate and creatively customized for each individual grade level.

  • 1. Call-to-Action

    The CTA for each milestone will be given through written prompt, audio, and/or video presentation. Students will be guided on how to successfully meet each milestone and encouraged by our incentivized initiatives to complete all 5 tiers of each milestones.

  • 2. Call-to-Action Guide

    The CTA Guide aims to increase the student's perceptual ability to understand the 5W's of each Milestone. (Who, What, When, Where, and Why?) Students will have the opportunity to explore the possible benefits and drawbacks that are associated with each "W" of the Call-to-Action Guide.

  • 3. Call-to-Action Journal

    the CTA Journal evokes mindfulness and emotional-regulation. Students will have a judgement-free and criticism free comfort zone to share their feelings and thoughts through a variety of journaling styles.

  • 4. Made-to-Order Assignment

    Mind Management on DEMAND is groundbreaking in that our lessons and activities are customized to reiterate your school's or school district's strategic SEL plans. Simply share the social-emotional challenges your students are facing and we will structure our lessons and activities in an effort to mitigate those challenges.

  • 5. Share Your Experience & Document Your Progress

    The 5th-Tier of our milestone guide offers an in-school social media site that allows students, teachers, administrators, organizations, and teams to share their positive social-emotional gains. Our site gives students a monitored, safe, and positive online environment where they will ONLY experience positive and supportive engagement.

Mind-Management on DEMAND

STARTS 2024 - 2025 School Year

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  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds

Schedule Your Discovery Call Now!

Add your email to our mailing list and we will send you an overview of how MMD would operate in your school/district.

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